Riverside, CA

Choose from 13 Addiction Treatment Centers in Riverside, CA

Over the past year, a number of publications have investigated the rising use of Heroin and Opioids in California. Riverside, CA, has experienced a surge in overdose deaths and emergency room visits. The Mercury News has covered this throughout the ongoing epidemic, and the statistics aren’t particularly optimistic. This information has given way to new programs geared towards pointing addicted individuals in the right direction. It’s imperative that they seek help as quickly as possible to receive the treatment that is needed before the problem becomes fatal.

Options for Recovery Programs

Rehab options generally consist of inpatient and outpatient programs. Inpatient programs are focused on providing residential services for those who need a supervised detox, or who suffer from addiction co-occurring with a mental illness. These programs focus on a variety of different therapies and helping the addicted individual to develop better coping skills. Family plays a large role in recovering from addiction; Many family members are involved at the inception of treatment via an intervention or group therapy. Outpatient facilities are a better fit for those who are actively seeking help, and who have a better grasp on their use of drugs and Alcohol.

Don't be Afraid, Reach Out

Many suffering from addiction may feel isolated and alone with their problem. Unfortunately, addiction often affects everyone near the addicted individual. The key to life after chemical dependency is seeking the proper treatment from a facility that really understands how to help. No one has to be trapped in a cycle of dependence forever. It’s important and encouraged to utilize whatever resources are necessary to start to overcome this disease. There is no cure for addiction, but with the right help, it can be successfully treated.  
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Addiction Treatment Centers in Riverside, CA


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